إحتفلت لاعبتي قرم القدم ​آشلين هاريس​ و​علي كريغر​ بزفافهما، يوم السبت الماضي في مدينة ميامي الواقعة في ولاية فلوريدا، من خلال زفاف أسطوري أقيم في متحف وحدائق فيزكايا.
العروس آشلين هاريس، وهي التي ارتدت البدلة السوداء في الزفاف، كما أنها تلعب لصالح فريق “Orlando Pride” أما العروس، فتدعى علي كريغر، وهي من ارتدت الفستان الأبيض.
أحيت حفل الزفاف المغنية كينا غرانس داخل الحدائق الرسمية للمتحف المُحاط بتصاميم هندسة عصر النهضة الإيطالية، حيث قامت عضوات فريق أمريكا الوطني باختيار متحف وحدائق فيزكايا مكانًا للزفاف، حرصًا على الحفاظ على أصالة ذلك اليوم، تمامًا ككعكة الزفاف التي كانت بألون قوس قزح، وهو شعار المثليين.Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

Having a ball! US soccer team stars Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger wow in tux and stunning white gown as they marry in 'Mediterranean castle' Miami ceremony

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  1. مش عارفة انت الكاتب الي ما تستحي تكتب مقالات زي كدا ولا انا الغبية الي حتى افتح مقال مقرف زي دا اتقي الله في نفسك انت الان تنشر مؤيد مقالات تحث على الفساد انت محاسب عند ربك يوم القيامة

  2. على قولتك يا نهاية الطريق هههههههههههههههههه
    البط والمشمشات صاروا في كل مكان ، ويجيبوا القرف ويخجلوا العذراوات ههههههههههههههههههههههه البنت شكلها جديدة او بالغلط دخلت نورت ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه كانت رايحة للجامع ههههههههههههههههههه فدخلت نورت ، غالطة بالعنوان ههههههههههههههههههه اضم صوتي الك ، وأما تروحين بيتك او ابقي لنهدم المعبد على رؤوسهم ههههههههههههههههههههه ان شاء الله عندك معرفة بالهدم والبناء ومشتغلة سابقا بالعقار ههههههههههههههههههههههه

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