دان مفتي أستراليا، الدكتور إبراهيم أبو محمد، في بيان، اليوم الاثنين، عملية احتجاز رهائن في مقهى بوسط العاصمة الأسترالية سيدني، وقال إن هذا الفعل “مدان في قيم وأخلاق وشريعة المسلمين”.
وجاء في البيان الصادر من مكتب المفتي، ونُشر على “فيسبوك”: “لقد فُجع المسلمون، كما فجع الأستراليون، بما تداولته وكالات الأنباء من احتجاز أناس في مقهى في وسط مدينة سيدني”.
وتابع أن “عمل الاحتجاز الذي تناقلته وكالات الأنباء لا يُقبل بأي وجه من الوجوه، كما أنه مدان في قيم وأخلاق وشريعة المسلمين مهما كانت ملابسات هذا الفعل، ومن أي جهة صدر”.
وأكد المفتي أن الأستراليين والمجتمع المسلم “يتطلعون إلى نتائج التحقيق في هوية الفاعل وملابسات الفعل”، مشيرا إلى ضرورة اتخاذ “إجراءات مناسبة” إزاء هذا الجرم.
وأعرب  المفتي ومجلس الأئمة الفيدرالي الأسترالي وعموم المجتمع المسلم عن تضامنهم مع كافة المحتجزين، وتمنوا لهم  “السلامة ولأهليهم ولمحبيهم الاطمئنان عليهم عاجلا”.
وإلى ذلك، دانت اكثر من اربعين منظمة اسلامية استرالية، اليوم الاثنين، احتجاز الرهائن في احد مقاهي سيدني من قبل رجل مسلح رفع علما اسلاميا.
وقالت هذه المنظمات في بيان مشترك: “نرفض اي محاولة لانتزاع ارواح بريئة لاي كائن بشري او لاثارة الخوف والرعب في القلوب”، منددة بـ”عمل دنيء”.


شارك الخبر:

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‫6 تعليقات

  1. When muslims do a terrorist activity, always other muslims come up on the TV saying that these activity are not in islam!!
    give me a break for god sake
    muslims since mohammed 1400 yrs ago start killing and steeling and raping woman, and muhammed it self killed and raped woman and kids,
    in islam , killing and raping and steeling are HALAL
    all the people know that islam is a religion of devil mohammed


    i hope to post what i wrote cause i think this is the truth, unless u wanna hide the truth from other people or maybe you are shamed of ur profit and what he did to the world!!!!

    1. ZAID I really feel sorry for you and the way you think,it only shows that you have no idea what goes on on earth you poor person,I will not attack you like most unkowlegebale Muslims do, but as you are my broth or sister in humanity I wish you have guidance at some point in your life.what you said about the prophet Mohamed is totally untrue and you speak with no evidence or reasoning,you should really feel ashamed of the way you attack the prophet Mohamed and any one who attacks God s prophets should be ashamed because they have done so much for people.maybe one day you lol get guided and regret what you accused the Muslims.in fact I never felt happy or had piece of mind till I discovered this beautiful religion,.im really upset you think in this disgusting way,prophet never raped or killed or done any of what you said,in fact he married women way older than him and some with orphans so he can look after the children and unite the communities where these women were from ..even though you attacked him like that if he was still in our world he would ve forgiven you and asked for forgiveness for you. Prophet Mohammed never started fights or wars,he and Muslims always defended themselves and fought to protect themselves and he would never harm women,children’s or elderly neither trees or animals while fighting.please don’t speak without knowledge,and read the real and authentic sources about this great prophet
      I wish you piece and guidance

    2. Shame on you for talking like an idiot and not giving a proof of what ur saying. where did you hear that profit Mohammed killed and kidnapped women!.
      how about we talk about Crusaders and how many people they killed just to be fair. You made me laugh at your stupidity !!!!

  2. Also how do you know Mr/Ms ZAID that the muslim do this terrorist attacks? That really shows you know nothing and you are living with no purpose,illuminates and devil worshippers are working so hard to creat islamfobia in people,so every time there is a story or a dream killing act their heroes dressed like Muslims to make people fear Muslims and run away from the religion because they know if all people followed the real proper Islam religion ,hellfire will have no one in there,plus their music won’t sell ,people will live happy,clean and restful life also their pron programmes won’t succeed ,they want to keep us blind ,unhappy and controlled,so please do your research before saying useless stuff.by the was I could ve swore at you and attacked you aggressively because my inside and heart were boiling from what you said but my religion tells me not to and that I speat to you with respect and also forgive you,so I forgive what you said because I know you have knowledge and speak with no intelligence you are just of the million people that are brain damaged by the media.,I’m so happy that I believe in all prophets and I wish you find they right way you poor person,I really feel sorry for you

  3. ZAID is a poor person,please don’t be hard on him as he has no knowledge,he is one of the millions that are brainwashed by the media,well easy any spy sent by zionists can dress like a muslim and do a stupid act to insult Muslims and create an islamfobia and someone like ZAID falls for it.im upset that people like this are missing the blessing of being guided by the prophets.real shame I wish you guidance,you see Islam religion and prophet Mohamed left me guidance to say that we should forgive people like you and wish them guidance rather than attacking them back.please when you speak articles like this show proof.i can tell people that you are a murderer and some will believe me but did I show them any proof?????? Easy to say any old rubbish but if you want respect for yourself always prof what you are saying,you are a real poor person I wish you find the right path my broth/sister in humanity

  4. يقول المثل العراقي ..
    هم نزل هم يدبك ..
    يعني انت اما لاجئ او ظيف ببلدهم وتعمل ارهاب عندهم ..
    فعلا انك مجرم وارهابي ومابتستحي .
    الله يقصف عمرك وعمر الي خلفوك .

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