مرسلة من صديقة الموقع koky adel

شارك الخبر:

شارك برأيك

‫11 تعليق

  1. Salam Guys, I have another suggestion, each of when he/ she open a news he notice that some companies might be in your country had advertised in this newsletter, email these companies and ask them to pull the ads out then this newspaper will take an action and stop people such as that ZANAM to write what he is writing, shortage of money will hurt more that we stop reading the newsletter!
    for me the companies are in Norway and I think they don’t give a damn if they insult out prophet or not!
    but you guys in the ME should do it!
    and make sure to tell these companies if they didn’t take an action you’ll start a bad publicity against them with your local newspapers!

    Please publish my respond!

  2. كوكي مسكوره جدا جدا
    احب اللحمه المفرومه بكل انواعها
    هذا المساء انشاء الله سيكون هذه الوصفه هي طبقي

  3. انا احب هذه الاكلة جداااااااااا طبعا بجانب اشياء اخرى

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