فاجأ تنين الكومودو مصوّراً كان على متن قارب في جزيرة رينكا الأندونيسية.

وبحسب الفيديو الذي نشره موقع “الدايلي ميل” البريطاني، هاجم التنين المصوّر وحاول الصعود داخل قاربه، لكنّ الأخير دافع عن نفسه بعصا خشبي.
وتنين الكومودو من الحيوانات المفترسة الخطيرة جداً وهي قادرة على قتل فريسة أكبر منها بكثير. Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

Moment magnificent Komodo dragons are fended off with STICKS as they get frighteningly close to photographer in Indonesia

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