أظهر مقطع فيديو طريف كلباً صغيراً وهو يؤدي حركات رقصة الـ”سالسا” الشهيرة، مستخدماً أطرافه الأربعة وأذنيه.

وبحسب الفيديو الذي نشرته صحيفة “ديلي ميل” البريطانية مؤخراً، فقد تم التقاط الفيديو في أحد مراكز رعاية الحيوانات، إلا أن الصحيفة لم تحدد مكانه.

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‫7 تعليقات

  1. I feel so bad for him .. I hope he gets his forever family soon because he did not deserve to be abandoned at all .. but at least he was where he could be found sooner rather than later .. if someone doesn’t want to or can’t afford to devote themselves to their dog maybe they should think long and hard before having one .. but at least he had his stuff still with him and he showed no signs of being abused or starving but it’s still inhumane to leave him in hope that someone else will be merciful and take him home and treat him good and love him for the rest of his life when he looks to be waiting for his human to arrive and take him home at any minute and you don’t automatically know that he’s been abandoned and they’re not coming to take him home because they decided not to and he’s left to anybody’s mercy to save him I hope he has and gets a happy ending with a loving family.

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